Lois Hansen holds a Masters of Educational Counselling degree from the University of Victoria and is a member in good standing with Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
She is fully trained in and uses the following therapies:
-Somatic Experiencing© -Strength Based Practise
-Child-Centered Play -Family Systems
-Gottman based Couples Counselling -Mindfulness Practice
-Human Sexuality -Therapeutic Touch Therapy
She is also fully trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, using techniques such as:
-cognitive restructuring -covert modelling
-systematic desensitization -problem solving
-guided imagery or visualization
As a registered Somatic Experiencing© psychotherapist, Somatic Experiencing© is the strongest influence in each counselling sessions. This reflects the 13 years of specialized university level training and over 25 years of experience.
Throughout each counselling session, the following is integrated:
-Attachment theory (the study of relationship bonding and its disruption),
-Human development theory,
-Stephen Porges polyvagal theory,
-Traumatic stress research,
-Neuroscientific research, including brain plasticity.

These theories are combined to offer a unique approach, effectively assisting clients to move more through their issues freeing them of debilitating trauma responses.
What type of trauma does Hansen Counselling address?
-shock trauma, (a one time, or just a few experiences)
-developmental trauma, (trauma experienced while developing as a child, teenager and/or young adult)
-intergenerational trauma, (trauma that siblings, parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and even great-grandparents may have experienced that impact the client)
-complex trauma, (a combination of any or all the previously mentioned traumas).
Common issues that people deal with through the assistance of Hansen Counselling:
Lois Hansen, through Hansen Counselling, is also an approved mental healthcare provider for:
First Nations Health Authority
Crime Victim Services
Veteran Affairs
Hansen Counselling offers one-on-one counseling, couples therapy, family, parenting and child counselling, group therapy, telehealth, zoom sessions, and touch therapy.
Her first career, often referred to as her first love, was as an elementary school teacher. Throughout these 19 years she was an elementary teacher, counsellor and a principal. Now she combines her extensive educational background with the psychology background and counsels as well as teaches psycho-educational workshops, offering consultations for therapists and teaching about effective trauma practice.