Couples Counselling

Healthy bonding is a powerful experience. It has been scientifically proven that healthy bonding is so powerful that it can actually immunize human beings against traumatic stress. Investing in a positive relationship not only improves one’s relationship but also impacts personal mental wellness in a positive way. This happens through creating access to co-regulation with oneself and partner as well as the development of self-regulation, safety and security, all within a sense of connectedness. The opposite is also true, a difficult relationship can impact one’s physical and mental health negatively. So, investing in relationships is absolutely worth it. 

What are some benefits to relationship counselling?

Using theories from world renowned couples therapist Esther Perel and John Gottman, Lois creates sessions for couples where their specific needs are addressed and met. Couples are given strategies to build awareness around the challenges that make connection difficult, to gain tools to improve communication and build connection and to increase a sense of control over their relationship experience. Couples discover their own love languages and the love language of their partner. They are equipped with new tools to build a successful relationship and learn what specific habits destroy relationships. Couples discover how to share experiences with their partner and see things more clearly through each other’s eyes.

Lois has found in her experience, that couples have become much more proactive in the last decade and many couples come in for counselling long before their problems are unsurmountable.

Through couples counselling, learn to:

      • Love your partner and yourself again,
      • Understand yourself or your partner better,
      • Have improved communication,
      • Help with anxiety, depression or stress,
      • Argue in a more productive way,
      • Resolve differences around raising the children,
      • Stop hurting each other,
      • Improve your sex and intimacy,
      • Resolve conflicts and disagreements,
      • Deal with midlife issues and/or impacts of illnesses and workplace together,
      • Reduce tension for both parties,
      • Create a more equal workload,
      • Work with blended family dynamics,
      • Overcome Adultery
      • Decide whether to stay together, or divorce or have a separation mediation.

Group couples therapy is also available for those who have already worked with Lois.