Grief and Surviving the Present Times

That uncomfortable feeling we are having with regards to the present times… It is often a combination of many things, however, the more significant one is called GRIEF. And it deserves to be acknowledged. It is a collective experience and this collectivity can have advantages and disadvantages…Advantages are the sense that we are not experiencing this alone, but our neighbours, friends and associates are also going through this. There are even advertisements that say, ‘We are in this together.’ A great reminder of the human experience, also reminders to relax, to take care of yourself and others. Unfortunately it has taken a pandemic to remind us to stop and mindfully practise these lovely actions. The disadvantages are the inconvenience of having to change the way we do many things in the world, a loss of feeling connected to others, to familiar habits and experiences, as well as a fear for our own and others health and well-being.

Acknowledging the losses: of regular social interactions, of seeing others full face when we greet them, of habits and going to places we used to frequent, of assumptions of securities, of trust in our systems, of concern for elderly loved ones and those who have been effected in their body. It’s important to acknowledge this grief.

Some ways of acknowledging grief are by just bearing witness to this feeling. It could be done mentally, with paper and pen, or any form of expression. Other suggestions are to look for ways to be meditative, whether that be going for walks, practising yoga, doing personal prayer, or going in to nature. Lastly, once these losses are acknowledged, seeking out places that bring us joy or experiences or memories that bring us joy is equally important. is a helpful resource, which has over 5 million visits yearly from 167 countries. This was founded by David Kessler, one of the world’s foremost experts on grief. David Kessler is also co-author of: On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss. And author of: Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief.